Learn More
Like all journeys, its useful to know where you’re
going, and why you’re going there.
Find your ‘why’ by:
Watching the expert sessions from Kendal’s Climate Change Jury.
Kendal’s Citizens Jury heard from experts and community activists during eight zoom sessions. The sessions were recorded so you too can benefit from the learning and insights shared. Highlights include:
- Chris Stark the Chief Executive of the Committee on Climate Change explains the mechanisms of Climate Change and the impacts of the resulting warming cycles.
- Professor Mike Berners-Lee shares Kendal’s carbon footprint and details how to decrease emissions in food, home energy, travel and other consumption.
- Professor Rebecca Willis highlights the groups involved in climate action and details 5 different ways these groups can drive coordinated change.
All the expert presentations are informative and locally relevant, enjoy learning more via the videos and link below.

Understanding Thriving Economies
In this short video, Kate Raworth explains how societies designed via regenerative and redistributive principles can enable humanity to thrive within the boundaries of a healthy planet. Kate explains why moving on from the outdated ‘take, make, use and loose’ model is necessary and for the benefit of all.
Becoming Carbon Literate
Cumbria Action for Sustainability deliver Carbon Literacy courses. The inspiring, informative and interactive short sessions provide a time efficient way to gain basic knowledge and understanding of the science of climate change, causes, impacts and solutions.
The session presents you with a clear framework for understanding the climate emergency, how soon we need to act, the scale of that action, and what practical part individuals in Cumbria can play in the bigger picture.
You will leave this session more confident in your knowledge, better able to articulate what needs to be done, and with an increased sense of your ability to be part of that change, on an individual, communal and organisational level.
Follow this link to book your place.
Connecting with others
There are several groups in Kendal whose purpose is to help reduce carbon.
South Lakes Against Climate Change and Cumbria Action for Sustainability both provide great newsletters highlighting events and opportunities.
Sign up via the links above.
Reading more
There are hundreds of books on Climate Change, here are five bestsellers to get you started:
- There is no planet B – Mike Berners Lee
- Active Hope – Joanna Macy and Chris Johnston
- All We Can Save – Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Williams
- The Future We Choose – Yuval Noah Harari
- This Changes Everything – Naomi Klien
Thanks to funding from Cumbria Action for Sustainability there is a dedicated Kendal Climate Change Reading Group that welcomes new members, to join please contact timothy.cottingham@cumbria.gov.uk.